
港分公司 年度报告

Learn more about 港分公司's research highlights and accomplishments from the past year in the 2018 Annual Impact Report.

研究 highlights from the past year along with FY2017 financials and publications.

A year in review of research focused on finding solutions for the Indian River Lagoon, ocean exploration and new medicines from the sea, 健康安全海鲜, educating the next generation as well as a look at FY2016 financials and publications.

Finding solutions for the Indian River Lagoon through: a real-time water quality monitoring network, harmful algal bloom research, 弧菌 研究, 海草恢复, inlet ventilation rate research, modeling in the IRL and marine mammal research; 港分公司 at-sea: exploring reefs and testing new technology through NOAA-funded cruises, 保护眼礁, using technology to track fish spawning aggregations, partnering to use manned submersibles, utilizing telepresence for ocean exploration, understanding climate change through modeling, informing resource managers through research in Gulf of Mexico, 研究北极, supporting national security and defense through imaging, studying how tiny plants make big impacts in the ocean; ensuring safe, healthy seafood through safe shrimp production and successful spawning of Sunray venus clams; Finding medicines from the sea: fighting diseases including pancreatic cancer, 阿尔茨海默氏症, tuberculosis and malaria; educating the next generation; funding sources; donor listing; ways of giving; publication listing

CIOERT珊瑚发现, Exploration Command Center, Indian River Lagoon Observatory Expansion, Study Links IRL Fish Consumption and Elevated Mercury Levels in People, HBOI Builds World's First Ocean Energy Turbine, High Content Imager Expands Marine Biomed Capabilities, HBOI to Partner on Archaeological Dig, 捐款者荣誉榜, 资金更新, Specialty License Plate Update, Peer-Reviewed Publications

In 2013, FAU 港分公司's printed newsletter - The Bulletin - went to an annual format. In previous years, the Bulletin had been distributed three times per year.

2013-2014 Annual Bulletin
Cooperative Institute's "Outstanding" work, Amendment Expands Coral Reef Protection, New Laser Systems for Undersea Defense Applications, New Way of Monitoring the Indian River Lagoon, St. Lucie Reef Study Looks at Effects of Lagoon Flows, Comparative Dolphin Studies, Aquaculture Innovation Continues, Renewable Energy from the Ocean, 海上药品, Summer Intern Program Update, Link Foundation Celebrates 60 Years, Peer-Reviewed Publications

St Lucie Estuary Study Findings, 领航鲸救援, 研究简报, Link Service Garners Recognition, Specialty License Plate Update 和更多的

Ocean Energy Collaboration, Laser System Passes First Field Test, New Aquaculture System Launches, 夏季实习机会, 和更多的

Patented Sponge Product Curbs Cancer Cell Division, Esther Guzmán FAU 研究er of the Year, John Reed: Brilliant Dive Service, MOA赢得海牛碗, HBOIF Elects new member and officers, Friends Welcome Cindy Willson, 爱KU体育泻湖, IRL研讨会, 博士后.

2011年12月 Belugas and Birds, Deep Coral Reef Discovered, Why We Love Our Job, Josh Voss: Elon Univ. Young Alumnus of the Year, 和更多的

港分公司 40th Anniversary, Indian River Lagoon Observatory, Postdoc progress, 和更多的

Oil Spill 研究 Update, Coral 研究 Program Expands, 2011 Summer Intern Program, 和更多的

海港分行欢迎博士. Margaret Leinen, Edwin A. Link Building re-opened, Dolphin 研究, 和更多的

巴西合作, 海湾影响评估, 水产养殖系统 , Search for Air France Flight, 和更多的

$44 Million Expansion, 港分公司 and FAU, Aquaculture Collaborations, 和更多的

Protecting Deep Coral Ecosystems, Unlocking Mystery of Queen Conch Pearls, 和更多的

Exploring 'Living Lights' on Deep Sea Floor, New Campus Center, Friends of 港分公司 和更多的

Marine Mammal 研究, It's All About the Dolphins, Campus Changes 和更多的

Deep Coral Reefs, Ancient DNA, Cancer 研究 和更多的

A New Union, Milestone Staff, Ocean Discovery Center 和更多的

International Expedition, Cancer 研究, Apple Snails 和更多的

Undersea Cures, Saving Manatees, Marine Oceanographic Academy 和更多的